Wow! No matter what's going on with you right now, this five minute clip is guaranteed to lift your spirits and make them soar. In the spirit of "Where the hell is Matt?" we travel the world as one musician after another adds their part to the great blues classic Stand By Me.
Nearly two and a half million people have watched this clip on You Tube, and in the space of two hours the counter jumped up another 17,000 views today. Clearly I'm not the only one moved and inspired by the passion of these little known musicians.*
Why are they so compelling?
We live in a world increasingly dominated by heartless corporations that understand only power. They worship money, and the most superficial kind of sex appeal, and encourage us to do the same.
This materialistic emphasis hurts all of us, whether we be rich or poor, ugly or beautiful. For the rich know that their money might not always be there (just ask Rene-Thierry Magon de la Villehuchet) and beauty fades (ask Elizabeth Taylor.) Deep inside we long to be loved for more than surface attributes that can change from year to year, we want to be valued for our essence.
This video of musicians around the world singing Stand By Me gives a big middle finger to the corporate values of greed and superficial perfection--with foot-tapping joyous music. The song, from the Rob Reiner movie of the same name, tells of the matchless power of love.